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Sourangsu Chowdhury is an atmospheric scientist researching air pollution, heat stress and human health.

Prior to joining CICERO Sourangsu was a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Atmospheric Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, where he worked on modelling air pollutants using a global atmospheric chemistry model and satellite retrievals and assessing their impact on human health.

He received his PhD in 2019 from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (Thesis title: Ambient PM2.5 exposure and associated premature mortality burden for India in present and future climate). During his PhD tenure, he was a Nehru-Fulbright fellow at School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley where he researched contribution of household air pollution to ambient air pollution.  

Though Sourangsu works on multiple facets of air pollution research, his primary research interest is to quantify impact of particulate matter on human health using multi-pronged modelling techniques.




Increasing temperatures and heat waves due to climate change, combined with air pollution, constitute major health risks, and could cause an increase in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases across Europe. EXHAUSTION (Exposure to heat and air pollution in Europe – cardiopulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation) aims to quantify the changes in cardiopulmonary mortality and morbidity due to extreme heat and air pollution (including from wildfires) under selected climate scenarios.

EXHAUSTION has its own project website at EXHAUSTION.EU 

Health | Air pollution | Heat waves