Climate and health

The climate and health research group is an interdisciplinary group with strong competence within a range of areas of relevance to health impact assessment. 

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Elderly woman drinking water under a tree during a heatwave. Photo: Miguel Angel Flores, iStock


Heatwaves, air pollution, and a changing climate have negative impacts on human health. Over many years, CICERO has built up competencies to address the health impacts of environmental stressors and has led several international and interdisciplinary projects on health impacts in different parts of the world. 

The research group has strong competence within a range of areas of relevance to health impact assessment, including air pollution modelling (ambient air pollution, including air pollution from wildfires and household air pollution from the use of solid fuels), modelling of health-relevant heat stress indices, population exposure assessment for environmental stressors, modelling of associated health impacts in urban and rural areas, as well as associated impacts on worker productivity and socio-economic consequences. In addition, CICERO is doing research within other fields that are relevant for health impact assessment, such as, e.g., land-use modelling, local adaptation, and qualitative and quantitative research on how individuals and societal groups influence and respond to social, political and environmental changes. 

Through the leadership of the recently finalised EU projects EXHAUSTION and ENBEL and the Belmont Forum project HEATCOST, CICERO has established and maintained an extensive international network, including partners from many of the leading research communities in Europe and globally within the field of climate change and health, key stakeholders, advocacy/policy organisations, and decision-makers. Through the ENBEL project, we have been instrumental in developing a climate and health network in Africa, the CHANCE network, with members from research institutes and civil society across the continent. 

CICERO is taking part in the Planet4Health project. 
