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CICERO’s research “outstanding” in evaluation of natural sciences
CICERO’s natural science research is commended for its excellent scientific outputs and policy-relevant research at the international level in the evaluation of natural sciences in Norway (EVALNAT 2022-2023), coordinated by the Research Council of Norway.
In the evaluation, CICERO’s natural science research got the top grade 5 – outstanding – on research quality, grade 4 – very strong – on organisation and grade 4 – very considerable contribution – on societal impact.
According to the evaluation panel, “This is a highly active group working on research questions which are highly policy relevant at the international level. They have excellent involvement in relevant international bodies and are producing excellent scientific outputs.”
Key strengths highlighted were staff with an international reputation, high levels of funding, high-impact publications and policy-relevance of the work. The publication record was regarded as “exemplary” and the production of high-impact papers “are pushing the frontiers in the CICERO research themes”.
According to the panel, “Their scientific publications are of high quality and have a broad appeal outside of climate change science, particularly to policymakers.” CICERO’s involvement in the Global Carbon Budget (GCB) was particularly highlighted. CICERO’s contributions to international activities such as the IPCC and CMIP were also highlighted as well as work with governmental agencies and end-users in disseminating results. The panel recommends even more direct engagement with policymakers.
The Research Council of Norway appointed 12 international expert panels to evaluate natural science research in Norway (EVALNAT 2022-2023). The main aim of the evaluation was to confirm the quality and relevance of natural science research performed at Norwegian research institutions from an international perspective.
The evaluation covered the period 2012 - 2021 and assessed 115 research groups in geosciences, physics, and chemistry, and 28 administrative units.
The research groups at CICERO covered in the evaluation were Atmospheric Sciences, Climate System, Climate Impacts and Climate Mitigation.