Our mission is to develop tools which will help businesses and regional governments find the best strategies to adapt to climate change. ToPDAd focuses on the energy, transport and tourism sectors in particular.
Rulletrapp i Oslo. JANPJENS ON FOTER.COM / CC BY
The Tool-supported policy development for regional adaptation (ToPDAd) is a €4.5 million research project funded by the European Commission. The objective is to find the best strategies for businesses and regional governments to adapt to the expected short term and long term changes in climate. The consultancy VTT in Finland is the lead organisation, with participation from leading research communities across Europe.
ToPDAd will provide decision makers in businesses and regional governments with state-of-the-art socio-economic methods and tools, allowing for integrated decision making. The fundamental driver for regional adaptation are regional climate scenarios. The research focuses on seven case studies from the energy, transport and tourism sector in particular.
"A reliably functioning infrastructure is crucial in adapting in climate change. Many service sectors such as tourism will be negatively affected if for example transport and production and distribution of energy are disturbed”, said Tony Rosqvist, principal scientist and coordinator of the ToPDAd Project.
The climate in Europe is changing. Within the century European countries can expect changes in precipitation patters and more extreme weather events. These changes will have an effect on trade, infrastructure and communication in Europe. The consequences will however wary greatly between the regions. One solution will not fit all.
Read more about ToPDAd's research in our three factsheets. Click on the photos below to download the files.