Miriam Dahl
Senior kommunikasjonsrådgiver
Miriam is specialised in communication and international relations, including nine years working with EU and EEA affairs for the Norwegian government and EEA/EFTA in Brussels
Miriam has long experience with external and strategic communication, media relations and outreach towards stakeholders at national and European level. She previously worked as a journalist in Norway and holds a Master degree in International Relations and European Studies from Central European University in Budapest.
Increasing temperatures and heat waves due to climate change, combined with air pollution, constitute major health risks, and could cause an increase in cardiovascular and respiratory diseases across Europe. EXHAUSTION (Exposure to heat and air pollution in Europe – cardiopulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation) aims to quantify the changes in cardiopulmonary mortality and morbidity due to extreme heat and air pollution (including from wildfires) under selected climate scenarios.
EXHAUSTION has its own project website at EXHAUSTION.EU
Helse | Luftforurensning | Hetebølger