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Jan S. Fuglestvedt

Research Director/Special Advisor


Jan Sigurd Fuglestvedt is an experienced atmospheric scientist and leader of multi-disciplinary research groups.

  • Appointed to the Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment's Climate Advisory Board
  • CICEROs Principal Investigator in research projects funded by the European Commission
  • Heavily involved in the UNFCCC-initiated process on modelling and assessment of contributions to climate change (MATCH) as co-chair of the Scientific Coordination Committee
  • Member of the current Impacts and Science Group (ISG) of the Committee for Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • Member of the Expert Panel for the initiative “Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators”, which aims to revise and update the frameworks of environmental impact indicators in Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA). Initiated by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
  • Contributed to WMO/UNEP Ozone Assessment reports as Lead Author, Contributing Author and reviewer 
  • Vice chair IPCC Working Group I