Information for those who want to participate in the survey on measures for reduced electricity consumption

In this letter, we provide you with information about the project's goals and what participation would entail.


Purpose: Authorities can use various measures to reduce electricity consumption to, in turn, reduce land loss and degradation associated with constructing new power plants. People's attitudes towards the measures are important for the decisions made. In this survey, we ask questions about your views on specific measures to reduce electricity consumption. This study is part of a larger project studying the green transition.

Who is responsible for the research project? CICERO Center for Climate Research is responsible. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Why are you being asked to participate? You expressed an interest in taking part in research when you signed up to Prolific, and Proflic has sent invitations to a randomly selected group of Prolific users on our behalf.

What does it mean for you to participate? It typically takes two to three minutes to complete the survey. The information is stored electronically. The survey will contain questions about your views on a measure the government can introduce to reduce electricity consumption in UK households and what consequences you think the measure may have.

Participation in the project is voluntary. If you choose to participate, you can withdraw your consent at any time without giving any reason. All information about you will then be anonymized. There will be no negative consequences for you if you do not want to participate or later choose to withdraw.

Your privacy - how we store and use your information We will only use your personal data for the purposes specified here and we will process your personal data in accordance with data protection legislation (the GDPR).  Your personal data in this study is your Prolific ID. The Prolific ID will make it possible for us to pay you and to get the demographic information you have given to Prolific. We do not have access to any other information that can identify you such as name, email address or IP-address. We will only use your Prolific ID for the purposes specified here. We will process your Prolific ID confidentially and in accordance with data protection legislation (the General Data Protection Regulation and Personal Data Act). CICERO will only have access to your Prolific ID while the study is ongoing. Once the study is completed and we have downloaded the demographic data from Prolific, we will delete your Prolific ID from our records, and keep only the anonymized answers.

Two people in the project team will have access to the answers you give in this study. The answers will be stored on an encrypted server with two-factor authentication. No participants will be recognizable in the research publications that we will write based on the experiment.

What happens to your information when we conclude the research project? The project is scheduled to end in July 2024. CICERO will only store your personal data (which means your Prolific ID) until the payment to you is complete and we have downloaded the demographic data.


Your rights: As long as you can be identified in the data material, you have the right to:

  • access what personal information is registered about you,
  • have personal information about you corrected,
  • have personal information about you deleted,
  • receive a copy of your personal information (data portability),
  • send a complaint to the Data Protection Officer or the Norwegian Data Protection Authority about the processing of your personal data.

What gives us the right to process personal data about you? We process information about you based on your consent. On behalf of CICERO Center for Climate Research, the privacy services at Sikt – the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research, have assessed that the processing of personal data in this project is in accordance with privacy regulations.

Where can I find out more? If you have questions about the study, or wish to exercise your rights, please contact:

Kind regards, Steffen Kallbekken Project Manager