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Workshop: Use of scenarios to assess climate transition risks in the financial sector

This will be an interactive workshop aimed at financial sector actors involved in climate transition risk assessment, stress testing, and decision making. The focus of the workshop will be on how climate scenarios can meet financial sector needs, and where alternatives to existing scenarios are needed. 

NB: This event requires separate registration. Please register by clicking the button "Gå til påmelding" below.



Gjennomført: 11.5.2023


Kulturhuset i Oslo - Meeting room Boksen - Only on-site participants must register. Follow stream below.



This will be an interactive workshop aimed at financial sector actors involved in climate transition risk assessment, stress testing, and decision making. The focus of the workshop will be on how climate scenarios can meet financial sector needs, and where alternatives to scenarios are needed. 

The latest scenario findings from the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report, including the NGFS scenarios, will be presented, highlighting robust findings, key uncertainties, and scenario limitations relevant to the financial sector. The use of climate scenarios to inform targets (such as the targets defined by the Science-Based Targets Initiative), will be discussed. We will discuss some concrete cases, such as assessing transition risk related to oil and gas activities. During the workshop, participants will be invited to discuss what information they need to respond to new regulatory initiatives and common challenges in assessing climate transition risk. 

Presentations by
Ida Sognnæs, Senior Researchers, CICERO
Glen Peters, Senior Researchers, CICERO.

Chair: Miriam Stackpole Dahl, Senior Communication Advisor, CICERO

The event is a part of the StressTest project funded by the Norwegian Finance Market Fund.

Questions about the event? Please contact