Seminar med vinner av årets Holbergpris
Holbergprisen 2023 tildeles den katalanske forskeren Joan Martinez-Alier for hans forskning innen økonomi, politisk økologi og miljørelatert urettferdighet. Martinez-Alier har stor innflytelse på en rekke fagfelt, blant annet antropologi, geografi, miljøstudier og politisk økonomi.
Se opptaket av semiaret nedenfor.
Gjennomført: 12.6.2023
Vi inviterer til en halv dag med interessante diskusjoner innenfor tema som miljørettferdighet, verdikonflikter i miljøpolitikken, forbruk og mer, med Martinez-Alier og andre forskere.
Seminaret vil foregå på engelsk.
9.00-9.10: Welcome and introduction
Kristin Halvorsen (Director of CICERO)
Marianne Aasen (CICERO)
9.10-10.10: The relations between Degrowth and Environmental Justice: Norway in the world
(led by Arild Vatn)
Presentation by Joan Martinez-Alier (the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Comments by Karl Ove Moene (University of Oslo)
10.10-10.25: Break and refreshments
10.25-11.05: Consumption of resources
(led by Kristin Halvorsen)
Ida Sognnæs (CICERO): Modelling the future of fossil energy extraction
Monica Guillen-Royo (CICERO): How to live well with less
11.05-11.15: Break and refreshments
11.15-11.55: Nature and justice in decision-making
(led by Marianne Aasen)
Erik Gomez-Baggethun (Norwegian University of Life Sciences): Valuation conflicts in the green shift
Arild Vatn (Norwegian University of Life Sciences): How to include the future in decision-making
11.55-12.00: Concluding remarks
Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (Academic Director of the Holberg Prize)
Erik Gomez-Baggethun
Professor of Environmental Governance at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, a Senior Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford. He is the President-elect of the International Society for Ecological Economics and a lead author of the of the Values Assessment of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Monica Guillen-Royo
Senior social scientist at CICERO, researching on sustainable consumption human needs and happiness with a background in applied economics, social policy, and development studies.
Karl Ove Moene
Professor Emeritus at the University of Oslo, Department of Economics. He is leader of the Centre for the study of Equality, Social Organization and Performance (ESOP) at the University of Oslo. His research interests include the Nordic model and the welfare state, development economics, and the relationships between institutions, distribution, conflict, corruption, and poverty.
Ida Sognnæs
Senior researcher at CICERO, focusing on the use of IPCC emissions scenario ensembles, the identification of key uncertainties, assumptions, and biases, and the use of emissions scenarios by policy makers and private sector.
Arild Vatn
Professor Emeritus at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Former president of the European Society for Ecological Economics and coordinating lead author of the of the Values Assessment of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Marianne Aasen
Senior researcher focusing on public responses to climate change, climate policies and policy instruments, social tipping points and social change, with background in institutional theory and development studies.