Green transition in the world’s most populous country: Where is India headed?
Where is India headed after this year's general elections?
India is the world’s third largest greenhouse gas emitter, and Indian climate and energy actions therefore have global impact. With the new India-EFTA trade agreement, what happens in India is also increasingly relevant for Norwegian actors, including Norwegian energy businesses.This event will cover different aspects of the energy transition in India.
Gjennomført: 25.4.2024
Kulturhuset, Laboratoriet
CICERO - En påmelding gjelder for alle arrangementer hele dagen.

Introduction by Solveig Aamodt, Senior Researcher CICERO and leading the INDGREEN project that is doing research on India’s ambitions and possibilities of becoming a global green leader.
Kenneth Bo Nielsen, Associate Professor, University of Oslo: Where is India headed after this year’s general elections and how does that affect energy and climate policy?
Shivika Mittal, Senior Researcher CICERO: Dilemmas in the power sector in India
Karina Standal, Senior Researcher CICERO: Justice implications of energy transitions at the local level: exploring the brick production in Bihar
The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion including comments from Norwegian business active in India (TBC).
This event will be held in English.
Responsible at CICERO: Miriam Stackpole Dahl