ESM2025: Earth system models for the future
The ESM2025 EU-funded research project aims to build a new generation of Earth system models better fitted to support the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies in line with the Paris Agreement.
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash
Project details
The current generation of Earth System Models has been central in demonstrating that human activities are responsible for global warming and a range of associated environmental impacts, and has provided an important scientific basis for understanding climate change and informing both mitigation and adaptation.
However, Earth System Models still need further development to reach their full potential in order to represent mitigation options needed to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
ESM2025’s aim is to develop a next generation of European ‘mitigation-oriented’ ESMs that can meet these objectives, and improve the consistency of carbon budgeting throughout the modeling chain from economic models to ESMs to impact models.
ESM2025 brings together a world-leading team of experts in Earth system modelling, model evaluation and feedback analysis, Integrated Assessment Models, reduced complexity carbon-cycle climate models, climate education and science-policy communication, all working towards a common goal of developing and assessing robust pathways for realizing the Paris Agreement.
The project is coordinated by
Meteo France with 22 partners from Europe and Australia