
Borgar Aamaas is a Senior Researcher with a background in Meteorology.

His education in meteorology and climate is from the University in Oslo (UiO). The bachelor degree (2004-2007) was in physics, astronomy, and meteorology, with specialization in meteorology and oceanography. The master degree was in geophysics, with specialization in meteorology and oceanography. The master thesis was on soot (BC) in snow in Svalbard with the title: “Elemental carbon in Svalbard snow from local sources and its impact on surface albedo.” Three years of his studies were done at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) in Longyearbyen. In the period 2014-2016, he took a Philosophiae doctor (Ph.d.) in geophysics, with specialization in meteorology and oceanography, at UiO. The theme of the doctorate thesis was climate and emissions from the transport sector and with the title “Developing, evaluating, and applying emission metrics for the assessment of the climate impact of transportation.”

He has been employed at CICERO since September 2010. In the period September 2010 – February 2011, he was a Research Assistant, followed by being a Researcher (Researcher 3) until March 2016. He is currently a Senior Researcher (Researcher 2). At CICERO, he is the leader of the local group of the union Tekna. He is also the Chair of the Board of the group Tekna Researchers. In the period 2023-2027, he is a member of The Young Academy of Norway.

Previously, he was a Research Assistant at UNIS (September 2009 – May 2010). He was also a board member at UNIS for the period August 2008 – July 2009.

He was a Contributing Author in Chapter 8 in the Fifth Assessment Report Working Group 1 published in 2013. In addition to doing research, he is an active science communicator and writer, giving roughly 20 popular science talks a year about climate. In recent years, he has led numerous commissioned research projects. For a complete and updated list of publications and talks, both academic and popular science, as well as media appearances, go to CRIStin. His research is also available from Google Scholar or Scopus and ResearcherID via the links over.

The models he use are mainly emission metrics and Oslo Simple Climate Model. He is interested in scientific collaboration on developing these methods and estimating global and regional temperature impacts of various research questions.

Some of Borgar's current research interests: Emission metrics (GWP/GTP/RTP), climate impact of the transportation sector, climate impact of travel behavior, greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions, life cycle (LCA) emissions