Linking leading investors and climate scientists
ClimINVEST brings together climate scientists and investors that have shown active interest in improving climate risk information.
The project takes an interactive approach, gathering scientists and a selected group of institutional investors - pension funds, asset managers, banks and insurance companies, in regular science-practice labs.
The science-practice labs will take different compositions, depending on the theme and the location. The labs will guide the project team's work through the key steps of the project:
- Understanding user needs and identifying information gaps;
- Co-designing relevant indicators on physical climate risk for investors:
- Mapping and visualising physical climate risk for investors;
- Raising awareness of climate risk among financial decision makers.
ClimINVEST will also zoom in on examples from practice, e.g. on the French climate risk disclosure regulations or specific investment portfolios.

What is in it for investors?
- Improved knowledge and information to analyze climate risk;
- Possibility to get tailored presentations, reports and one-on-one conversations on topics of their interest;
- An interesting network with world-leading institutional investors that are interested to work on climate risk.