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Dashing through the snow In a no horse open sleigh. Photo: CICERO

Bend the curve

In the coming years, global warming will likely exceed 1.5 degrees, and "bending the curve" refers to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to slow down or reverse the trend of rising global temperatures.



Completed: 11.5.2023


Kulturhuset i Oslo - Møterom Boksen



In this breakfast meeting, we will explore the key elements of the IPCC reports and delve into the scenarios that have been presented. 

We will consider the challenges associated with carbon dioxide removal and overshoot, and discuss solutions and possibilities of bending the curve.


Ben Sanderson, Research Director, CICERO
Jan Fuglestvedt, Research Director/Special Advisor, CICERO
Rosie Fisher, Senior Researcher, CICERO

Language: English

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"CICERO presenterer - En hel dag med klimakunnskap"

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